We live in a time of plenty, a land of plenty. Most of us have more than we need. We have First World Problems…like trying to figure out how to limit screen time, like having more clothes than coat hangers, or like getting a full fat, instead of a skinny, vanilla latte ~ I mean, how can I really be sure?? It tastes so rich!
My troubles often don’t come from a lack, but from an abundance. Too many calories. Too much time on social media. Too much Amazon Prime. Too much self-indulgence. Left to my own devices, I fill up on the wrong things. But I want to get filled up with the right things.
I want to love the right things,
and if I don’t love the right things,
I want to learn to love the right things.
Everything starts with loving God. If we want to fill up on the right things, we have to start by filling up on God, because He is the best thing of all. Our Heavenly Father, His self-sacrificing Son, and His indwelling Spirit are Worthy, with or without our love, He is Worthy…but c’mon…what’s NOT to love?
Out of the overflow of God’s love for us, and ours for Him, we are enabled to love people. Some people are easy to love. Most days, my kids are cuddly like little bunnies (easy to love). My mom and dad make me laugh, support me, only give advice when asked, and regularly travel over 1520 miles to see me (easy to love). My husband makes me cold brew coffee for the fridge, hot lemon water for my mornings, and tells me to be a writer (easy to love). But all of them have let me down before, like people do. Sometimes, I haven’t felt loved by those I love. But we aren’t told to love people because they love us. We are told to love people because God loves us.
When hearts are in line with God’s Word (by loving Him and loving people), we are able to love the life that Christ died to give us. Jesus died to bring peace to us, to shower our lives and relationships with grace and forgiveness. But, for many years I wasn’t really living a peace-filled life. I was just surviving, just eking it out. At times, I’ve felt like a hit and run victim, rolled over by life, and people, and time. I realized now that I withdrew emotionally. But I don’t want to do that anymore. I want to embrace this life that God has provided for me. I want to love life, because it sure is fleeting.
Last week, I wrote that someone reviewed my blog and said it needs a change…it needs to reflect my priorities a little more clearly. So I am in the midst of some refining here, in my little online space. My priorities in life and online are to love God, love people, and love life, in that order. I want to find some creative ways to share about these priorities and I want to find others who are learning to walk in love. In the next few weeks, I hope that changes here on the blog will begin to take shape in a way that makes sense. 🙂
Image credit: 123rf image# 35043701
“I want to love the right things, and if I don’t love the right things, I want to learn to love the right things.” –> YES! I love this post, especially this line. Well said, friend.