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31 Days to a #MoreAbundantLife
We’re short on money. Short on time. Short-tempered. We feel like we’ve been short-changed. Sometimes we wonder if we’re losing our minds. We need more rest, more peace, more love. We just need more.
In 2015, I explored the idea that God is generous and gives us all that we need (2 Cor 9:8). And Jesus promised that we can have an abundant life — filled to the brim, overflowing, with more than enough (John 10:10). I wrote for 31 days about living a #MoreAbundantLife. That’s a lot of abundant life! I discovered something I already knew, but needed to see for myself: The Abundant Life is ours to have, if we’ll just take hold of it.
Jesus came so that we might have life
and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
Days 1-31

October 25 – Sunday Soundtrack Week 4

October 26 – In Christ, You are…a Worshipper Fulfilled

October 27 – Using Your Gifts

October 28 – My Purpose is Not about Me

October 29 – A Life of Worship

October 31 – Abundant Living: Knowing What Matters