I met blogger Holley Gerth at Allume last weekend. Unbeknownst to her, she’s been encouraging me to pursue my God-Sized Dream, via my inbox, for some time now. You can read all about it in her book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You.
A God-Sized Dream isn’t necessarily big or worthwhile in the eyes of the world. It might be small to others.
“The size of the dream isn’t what matters…It’s not about what you do as much as how you do it. It’s about pursuing life with passion and purpose and going wherever he leads” (pg. 12, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream)
Surreal. When you get to meet someone in person that you have “known” from afar…a writer, an actor, a musician, or an athlete. She was taller than I expected. There was a brief hug and a kind smile with the necessary niceties of an introduction in a hotel lobby.
But I feel like I got to know Holley better by talking with people who have been encouraged by her message. I had an accidental lunch with Mandy (there were so many wonderful “accidental” meetings at this conference). I told her about the ebook I wrote this summer. Y’all it is available on Amazon. Now that is surreal.
Next week I am going to share all about Prodigal Confessions: 10 Principles that Lead Us Back to the Father. The eBook was slightly painful in the too long to get it all ready for you department, but I also sat in the God’s timing is perfect chair all the while, knowing. And in the end, Monday morning quarterback that I am, I can see how He has crafted the perfect timeline for this book to debut and has placed it right in the middle of my story. Perfect.
When Mandy asked me about my God-sized dream, I told her about how God teaches me when I write and about all that I learned this year, writing about integrity, generosity, humility, confession and reconciliation. I was excited. She was excited for me. And she told her friends.
Mandy invited me to meet her friends later in a conference room; they were seated in a cozy circle of chairs and invited me to sit among them. They write for God-sizedDreams.com.
The God-sized Dream Team included some familiar faces like Holley Gerth, Carey Bailey, Kayse Pratt and, of course, Mandy Mianecki (my new friend). I was encouraged by the reception I received from Kristin Smith, Mel Schroeder and many more warm hearts. What amazing and generous women.
The meeting spurred me on. I have been wallowing in uncertainty about this writing thing. And this publishing thing. And this speaking thing. But I realize now that it is my God-sized Dream.
Whatever it looks like from the outside, God’s plan for my life is not too big, not too small; it is just right, for me. And feeling comfortable in my own skin is #ASimplerJoy. It is just a whisper away, a confession of His wisdom. It is an exhale. It is made possible because Jesus died to make me whole. He lets me a small play a part in HIS big plan, and I need to stay there.
How about YOU? What is your God-sized Dream? Is there something you would LOVE to do…but somehow you keep getting stuck? Pray about it and talk with the people who know you best. Or email me – I would love to pray for you. Just remember that God has created you for His purpose, and pursuing His purposes brings us peace.
This made me smile, Britta. What a wonderful weekend! As you pursue your dream, you’re revealing God to us in a way only you can, and that is awesome! So glad we can cheer you on and see you do the same for others. Blessings!
Thank you Mandy! You have made me smile too 🙂