Today my friend Dixie shares with us about her new program – designed to help you enjoy the process between your Befores and Afters…
This is life balance.

Does this Scream,”Before!”?
I’m not crazy—dirty dishes really can be the sign of a beautifully balanced life! This looks like a “Before” picture, the kind that threatens to overwhelm, but only if we forget the truth that God is at work in the process. He is always at work in the middle of our messes.
Seems like what everyone wants these days is “life balance.” The thing to remember is: YOUR life balance is not mine, and vice versa. Life balance is not a one-size-fits all thing.
So, can dirty dishes be the symbol of a beautifully balanced life? Can they? Yes. A mom who cooks a healthy meal might leave the dishes till later so she can: help a child with homework, have a great conversation with her husband, or spend some time with a friend. This woman knows the dishes will get done, even if it’s not right now. What if a beautifully balanced life looks like giving yourself enough grace to do dishes after nurturing the relationships in your life?
This is also life balance.

Does this look like an “After” to you?
You may not be jumping in a field of wild flowers today, but when you are at peace with living the life God that intended for you—even when the days get crazy and your soul is weary, and the dishes are stacking up—your heart and mind can feel like they are jumping in the meadows. Living YOUR beautiful life, one day at a time, might do that for you.
“Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin”…. Matthew 6:28 lilies are just content to live the life that God made for them and let Him take care of the “After.”
What would happen if you were to overlook your “dirty dishes” once in a while, in order to do the thing that feeds your soul or someone else’s?
Here’s to finding that balance.
Here’s to all YOUR possibilities!
To learn more about being a mom AND living the most out of your God-given strengths, click here:
BIO: Southern sweetheart Entrepreneur Dixie McDaniel de Andrade is a speaker who delivers a powerful punch providing inspiration and how-to solutions to women of faith. As an author, certified Christian coach and life/balance expert, she founded international coaching company Envision Possibilities to teach other women to stop settling, balance their unique lives, take action on their dreams all while honoring their own family values. Find her at on Facebook at Envision Possibilities and Twitter @CoachDixie
Contact Info: Dixie McDaniel de Andrade 786-200-2582
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