My cup overflows. When we consider the provision, care, protection, and affection that the Lord shows us…well, this is the sort of knowledge that can take you from a glass half-empty to a glass all-full and overflowing. Out of the overflow of God’s love, in our hearts, we are able to serve Him and love others.
Not long ago, I was on a plane heading for South Carolina; it was my first trip to the Allume Conference. The nice older lady next to me was friendly and warm, and in a very Southern way, asked me, “So what brings you to Greenville?” I told her about the blogging conference and got a question that you don’t hear much these days, “What’s a blog?”
I explained to my seat-mate about keeping a public, online journal, maintaining a website, creating graphic images for FaceBook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. I told her that, as a homeschooling mom, I am always struggling to keep a good balance between my roles as mom, teacher, wife, cook, laundry lady, housekeeper…and that it can be tricky sometimes. I told her how grateful I am that my husband allows me to attend conference like this (and others) to encourage me.
Then she asked a question that still makes me smile, “So how much do they pay you to do somethin’ like that?”
I laughed and explained that I write 300-1000 words several times a week between my blog and other guest posting opportunities (sometimes more, when I am working on a book offline, like now) and I do it for FREE. No charge. No pay. In fact I pay. Her eyes got wide. And she and I were left with the question of, “Why?”
Why do I write?
This is a question I ask myself often. I ask it when I am discouraged, Why do I do this? Why do I squeeze this out of my heart and mind and schedule? Why do I make my life harder than it has to be?
The truth is: Writing makes my life richer and fuller. I love it. I write to figure stuff out. I write so I won’t forget what I have been taught by others, by the Lord. My husband says I am writing for my children and their children, something to pass on. I write, because it is like breathing for me.
Sometimes I ask, “Why do I write?” to be sure that I am not losing my focus, the right motivation, when so many other motivations try to sneak in. Staying home to do laundry and dishes, after experiencing a working world that I really enjoyed, has been humbling. But God loves it when we are humble. Still the flesh rises up! I have to check myself to be sure that my writing isn’t motivated by pride and egocentric self-promotion, which can be tricky because there is a certain amount of healthy promotion needed for the words I steward.
In then end, my answer to the lady on the plane (and to myself on hard days) is this, “I write mostly about the Lord because He is the most interesting and beautiful person I know. I am fascinated with Him. I think about Him all the time, so I write about Him. And I write about God and His Word because I want to share how His love changes me, and how it can change others.”
God’s love fills up all those holes in us, the low places. And it keeps coming. Then it soaks in deep, refreshing us and awakening the seeds planted deep down. And it keeps coming. Before long, there is an overflow and His love, poured out, runs right through us and out into those around us. This is His plan. This generosity is true to His Prodigal nature.
God’s love: we should drink it up and share a cup with someone else!
I love this! Especially this –> “Writing makes my life richer and fuller. I love it. I write to figure stuff out. I write so I won’t forget what I have been taught by others, by the Lord. My husband says I am writing for my children and their children, something to pass on. I write, because it is like breathing for me.” I’m glad you write, friend! And I’m glad you linked up at #ThreeWordWednesday.
Thank you Kristin! I am so glad I found you in the big ol’ world wide web. You are a kindred spirit and always such an encourager. Thank you for being my friend! 🙂
I loved this! I was at Allume in October and when you were describing why you write I knew exactly what you meant. I write because God prompted me to and because words bring life and healing. Glad to be your neighbor at Three Word Wednesday.
Thank you for stopping by Mary! 🙂 Funny, not all bloggers are writers. Conferences like Allume show me that we all come with different strengths and motivations. I love to write and the rest of the blogging stuff baffles me. I have met great bloggers who don’t like the writing part. So funny! It is nice to “meet” a kindred spirit!
I love your comment reply. I have been looking for one that will send an email after I respond to comments automatically. It looks like your plugin does that.
Could you share which one you are using and if you really like it?
Many blessings,
Diane Roark
Oh dear! I will tell you…but I have realized that this plugin is sooooo old, I think I will look for a new one! Thank you for asking 🙂 It is this one: It hasn’t been updated in forever! 😛
I love your blog design. It is really pretty. I also love that you are a Christian. We have a lot in common with you one day retiring in my home state of Alabama and you lived in New Orleans. I am so glad you found my blog and linked up to Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop. I am making sure to follow all your social media.
Many many Blessings,
Diane Roark
Thanks for serving our Country!!!!
Thank you Diane 🙂 Let’s try to keep in touch online—maybe one day we could meet in person?! 🙂