I love donuts.
And pizza and fries and chips. Oh—and salsa and guac! And steak…I love steak, too. Me and food go way back.
Now, exercise? I don’t like to exercise. At. All.
It is a struggle for me to find time for any sort of fitness program. I’d rather be hitting my to-do list than the gym. I don’t understand the people who enjoy working out—for me, it is right up there with cleaning out my closet.
But, I want to take good care of the body God has given me. I want to steward the gift of health well.
I am asking myself this lately: How can I be a good steward and still enjoy the gifts that God has given me? [tweetthis]How can I be a good steward and still enjoy the gifts that God has given me? [/tweetthis] For me, I know that this is central to living a #moreabundantlife.
How would we live
if we lived in the constant awareness
that we are God’s Dwelling Place?
Tomorrow, I will share some of the ways I am trying to learn to love being healthy. Today, tell me what is your favorite exercise program? Do you follow a particular diet? Are you happy with your current fitness level or do you want to make a change too?
Copyright: olegdudko / 123RF Stock Photo
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