Did I ever tell you that our family sponsors two boys through Compassion International? We get letters with fantastic drawings from the other side of the world (India) and south of the Equator (Colombia). I read the translator’s typed text. But I get to see the original writing too. I get to touch their handwriting. The letters are always composed of somewhat formal, elegantly-written, and tremendously grateful words.
I am reminded of how casually our Western culture takes letter writing. We ditched letters when email came along letters took too long to arrive. We ditched Email when texting came along people stopped checking email and texts were just so much faster. I am guilty of this. I am a horrible correspondent.
Our boys always sign their letters as “Your son.” Your son. Extended family. International relations. Amazing.
Sponsoring one child costs about as much as eating out for one meal, for a family of four. But instead of Pizza or Pei Wei, your money buys medical care, food, education, encouragement. Life.
Who knew that life was so cheap? In truth, we all know it is really very precious. Watch this video and think about the priceless gift of life. And, if you don’t already, please consider sponsoring a child. Or two. You can speak life into death with your words and your financial support. You can sign up in the right sidebar of my home page or at the end of this video (please refresh the page if it doesn’t appear below).
Hey! Let me know in the comments if you currently sponsor a child. If so, what is your favorite thing about Compassion International? If not, will you join me today?
Britta, Such a joy and a blessing! I can not have my own children, so I this is something I would like to learn more about!
Oh – you would fall in love with this! It is $38/month per child plus I send something for the brays and Christmas. This allows them to attend a school/development center where they have access to medical care, public health information (like importance of hand washing, how to make drinking water safe, etc.)…they learn about the GOSPEL. They have adults who pour love and affection into them. They have friends who are journeying along with them. They have hope! They write letters. You are supposed to write letters. You can do this with pen and paper or on the website. You can send them care packages with things like toothbrushes, small toys, coloring books…depends on the age. The kids want your picture because they pray for you and often they post the picture of you on the wall in their home. The letters don’t come frequently, but they have hand drawn pictures in them, which are amazing. Maybe they would write more often if I did 🙁 I just lose track of time! That is one good reason to do it online (it keeps track of when you have written a letter). You can pick the child by country, by gender, by birthday…we just picked our boys from the list of kids who have been waiting the longest. If you decide you can do this, let me know! It would be great to hear about your child! <3