My sweet friend Kortnee has an eye that notices the little things and a heart that feels the big things. We are blessed that she writes about them here. Please make her feel welcome by posting a comment below!
Recently my husband went away for a weekend to hike the Grand Canyon. It was the first time we’ve spent time apart since we’ve been married and, while it was only 3 days, it was pretty difficult to be apart for those days.
I told him before he left that he should pick a fight with me so I’d be mad at him while he was gone and I wouldn’t miss him so much. He didn’t, so I was mad at him for that. 😉
That weekend made it very clear to me that I have married my best friend. Out of everything I missed about him, I missed his ability to make me laugh and loosen up. He’s good at that. So when he came home I wanted to try really hard to make the most of our down time together.
Why then, if I had this great revelation, did I fall so quickly back into arguing with him and overanalyzing his motives? That’s what I’m good at.
When I got to thinking about what I could offer up to the Lord for an Acceptable Offering, it was pretty easy for me to see. What I cling to and hold on to is my demeanor towards my husband.
He’s funny, and kind, and godly, and wonderful. But I deserve my way too, right? He can’t always be right, right? No. I’m sinful (Rom. 3:23), my heart is desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9), and I lean on my own understanding and trust in myself (Proverbs 3:5).
This is the ugly thing I hold on to and don’t want to give up: I don’t want to respect my husband when it’s hard. I don’t want to listen to him. I don’t want him to be right. I want that for me.
And giving up that way of thinking would be a highly Acceptable Offering.
I agree! Such a transparency – your heart is beautiful! 🙂
Way to lay down that offering, Kortnee! You are learning this at a beautiful age. Spurgeon quotes, ” I believe the holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which remains in him. ” Press on, young soldier!! Enjoyed reading your piece, thank you!!