So sorry Girls! I was determined that, like the old-time postmen, neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow would keep me from my appointed rounds…but I wasn’t able to keep up with the schedule this Friday due our military move this week. No internet since Tuesday!! Please forgive! I will be back on course by next Tuesday, for Small Group Discussion Questions. 🙂
For now…As we continue to study the name of Creator – God, Elohim, Kay Arthur gets right to an important question that man has always asked, “Why am I here?”. It is a question you cannot answer without God. In Isaiah 43 we see that we were created for the glory of God. KA tells us that, in Hebrew, glory means to “give the correct opinion or estimate of”. So that means that we are to live in such a way as to give a correct opinion of who God is, since we belong to Him.
It’s like we tell our kids: “I know that the other kids get to listen to that music or watch that movie but, in this family, we make different choices”. Our modern culture does not value family honor, so we forget what it meant a a few generations ago. Children were taught to protect the family name and understood that all of their behavior, good or bad, made a statement to others about their family . Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. Eph 1:4-5.
Everywhere we go and all that we do either reflects God or reflects sin…we must be mindful, not just to think WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?); but to think what can I do to show other Who Jesus Is. KA also talks about how we must know what we were for: for His will and for His pleasure (Rev. 4:11). He is our heavenly Father and just as we wanted to please our earthly parents (and still do) – we should strive to make Him proud, to bring Him pleasure.
Today answer KA’s questions:
Are you fulfilling the purpose of your creation (to glorify/reflect Him to the world and to bring Him pleasure)? What is keep ing you from being or doing what you were created for? What do you need to change?
BTW – it is so wonderful to read your comments dear friends…thank you for participating!
Just a Girl…just like you!
I think there are days I for sure do what I was created for and then there are days that I don’t. Obviously not on purpose but just getting caught up in the moment and needing to remind myself of what to do and how to change. I need to continue to remind myself that he is always there. That I need to make him proud of what I am doing while I am down here on our earth living a life for my kids and for myself in the way he has expected me to!
I agree – we all get caught up in the moment. The best thing has been that, now my kids are getting older, they have really encouraged me by parroting things back to me that I have said to them (this can be a good and bad thing sometimes!). “That’s ok Mommy, this must just be how God planned our day”. This really stops me in my tracks. 🙂