I was a kid who could not take a nap. I am an adult who cannot take a nap, unless I am very, very sick. I don’t know if my mom ever wished it on me – I hope you have one just like you – but my firstborn was no napper either. We did do “nap training.” And it trained me…to endure.
Each day, I would lay down a perfectly happy and drowsy baby and close the door. When the door clicked, the crying began. Then I would go into my room and close the door and continue into the bathroom within my room, and close that door. And then my baby and I would both cry. And I would call my mom…from the bathroom. And she would pray for both of us.
When my oldest got to be a toddler/preschooler, I could tell her what my mother told me when I was little: even if you don’t feel tired, you need the rest. You just lay down and relax. Whether you sleep or not, resting is good. As the mom, I realized that nap time, whether or not sleep occurs, is very important for children…and their mothers too. And I have carried this wisdom from my mom: sleep is best, but if you cannot sleep, rest is good. And resting is being still and at peace. Of course knowing and doing are two different things…
I am a morning person. And the minute my eyes pop open, there is nothing more excruciating than laying in bed. My poor husband has not had a chance to “sleep in” for almost 20 years. By the way, he’s no morning person. 😛
When I sit at church, I take notes. When I pray, I have trouble with the quiet times. In conversation, I am never at a loss for words; I am not one who lets an awkward pause go on for long. At school, if I knew the answer I raised my hand. Every time. I am sure my classmates loved me – but I could not sit there with the teacher waiting, waiting, waiting…
I have never watched a sunset. Or a sunrise. I always bring something “to do” if I am waiting somewhere.
But I know this to be true: By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work (Genesis 2:2). And yet He did not rest because He was tired: Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom (Is 40:28).
Jesus said: The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27). And the order of words is important here. God made man on the sixth day and on the seventh day, He created the Sabbath. He instituted a day of rest: the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy (Ex 20:10-11).
But why?
Our God is a God of purpose. He is intentional. He is always teaching us. So this month I want to explore the ways He teaches us about rest. It should be fun to look at all the ways He has written rest into our lives.
So, how about you: are you a napper? Are you able to enjoy times of rest? Or are you a little restless, like me?
Britta ~ I am justAgirl…just like you!
Happy Monday! I’ve being trying to nap all day! I can’t settle my mind to doze off! I’ll think someone, then I’ll send a quick text or email. My dog is my child, so when I hear her stirring, I’m on alert! I always have my phone or iPad near, so its rare I miss an email, text, or phone call. The only time I can nap is if I’m absolutely pooped! Even then my husband says I talk in my sleep! I don’t doubt it because I’ll talk to a stick! My mind is always going. It’s like repeatedly trying to open Windows Explorer! At first it pauses, then all the tabs open at once!
Haha! I can really relate to the computer reference…I keep thinking that maybe I just need an update? 😉
I learned the ability to power nap in college, 10-20 minutes and I am a new person! I never understood how that short time helped my mom when I was growing up but now I totally get it 🙂 And I am working at resting, I have to make a conscientious effort to do it. I’ve put self-imposed limits on myself, i.e. when hubby is at bible study, once the kids are in bed, that is “my time,” I can watch a movie I want or do something I enjoy totally guilt free. I need to work in additional times but I’ve got to start somewhere… I’m not sure why we moms struggle with guilt over doing something that is refreshing to our souls but it is so needed!
OK – I never learned to power nap, though the idea is very appealing…I am just so paranoid about the clock…if I didn’t set an alarm I would fear oversleeping…when I set and alarm I think: 15 more minutes…14 more minutes…13 more minutes…and I can NEVER relax know ing I only have “X” amount of minutes till I really should get up. What do you do about that? …or maybe you’re not as OCD…just thought of that! 😉
True, if I had to be somewhere at an exact time, I don’t dare try it for fear of oversleeping. But it has definitely been a blessing on those days when I didn’t get enough sleep the night before! And you have to be able to quiet your mind or it just will not happen. I’m not always successful but even laying with my eyes shut for 10-15 minutes makes a huge difference.