Sarah’s journey is part of our Lenten series, The Before & After Project. Here again we see that God is at work in the change. Every product is to His Glory. The timing is His choice. If you feel stuck somewhere in the middle of change, or you feel like you will never move past your Before, remember: “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Phil 2:12-13, ESV). God uses everyday changes to demonstrate to us that He is active in our lives!
Here is Sarah’s Story, in her own words:
While it comes as a shock to most people who know me now, BEFORE I had children I never considered myself a crafty person. I was an attorney and, more specifically, a prosecutor. From the time I got up, to the time I went to bed, I was researching cases, presenting them in court, or preparing for court.
AFTER my oldest daughter was 8 months old, I became a stay-at-home-mom overnight. Less than a month later, I began to organize social activities for moms and babies.
When I focused on hosting creative activities in my home, group attendance grew quickly. Once I tapped into my creativity, I couldn’t stop it—I loved it! I found myself spending any “me” time I had on crafty endeavors; and between watching our daughter grow and thrive, and finding a new interest that was bringing me closer to other moms, I felt fulfilled!
While our meetings began as playdates for our kids, we moms became friends and a support system. We babysit for one another, cheer each other on, and rally around those in need, when life throws curveballs. I can’t tell you the number of hours I have spent praying for women in that group, whether I know them well or not, because the Lord laid them upon my heart. And while we are not a faith-based group, we are all respectful of one anothers’ beliefs.
For me, I see my mission to other moms of young children as praying for them (even if they don’t know it) and helping them feel included, supported, and “crafty.” 😉 A mom once told me how grateful she was that I facilitated opportunities for her to hand-make keepsakes with her daughter because, while it wasn’t her “thing” to do crafts, she appreciated so much all the treasures she would have when her daughter grew up.
Creativity is a gift from God. And creativity doesn’t have to be just “Pinterest Queen” things; it may be coming up with a creative way to get your picky eater to try his dinner. Or you may use your creativity to “think outside the box” so you can fit your career in with your family life. As moms, we are all equipped with specific gifts from God, to be the mothers God wants us to be, for our unique children.
Think of the fruits of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). For some moms, gentleness is the fruit planted by God in them to provide for their child’s specific needs. For others (or probably most of us) patience might be a gift God is growing in us because He knows that we need it as moms. And when you use your gifts from God, according to His purpose, you flourish. This is also true of your creativity! Whatever you do, God is at work in the process.
My name is Sarah, but these days I mostly answer to “Mommy.” I am lucky to be married to my husband James, whose love, wit, and humor keep me going regardless of what life throws at us. We have 2 beautiful daughters, Macy and Riley. I am a lawyer, turned stay-at-home-mom, turned soap-maker/business owner (read about my journey here).
Admittedly, I am one of “those” moms—the annoying ones who theme everything and cut all food into shapes, whose walls are overflowing with handprint crafts, and who actually attempt to make 99% of everything I pin on Pinterest. I can honestly say I never pictured myself becoming her, before I had kids, but I have since embraced this part of myself and use it as a ministry to other moms and their children.
I usually host several playdates a week for 20+ moms and their kids, and, having been the new mom with no mom-friends, it is my mission to help other moms and their children feel welcomed and included. When I am not playing with my kids or making soap, I can be found reading, crafting, avoiding doing laundry, or dreaming up ways to convince my hubby to move to London, my favorite city in the world.
Find my shop online at Psalm51Soap or like me on Facebook to get updates on new products and where I will be selling them in person!
BF, what a wonderful story! Britta, thank you for giving Sarah the opportunity to share this with us. Creativity is a beautiful gift, and sharing your gifts with others is such a wonderful expression of God’s love!
Yes – I love her heart! And her words are true. 🙂
Proud of you Sarah , you have always been a blessing!