This chapter dealt with some difficult and wonderful concepts! What a blessing to be cared for the The God Most High. KA poses some great questions but the one I think is most interesting is #3:
El Elyon is the Most High God. If you really understand what that means, how would it alter your thinking about
a. government
b. your financial situation
c. your marriage
d. your children
e. your parents
f. Satan
I know that, for myself, accepting God’s authority over my life meant accepting the things in my life I could not change and knowing they were a part of God’s plan for me. I am still working on being thankful in all circumstances but I have come a long way and I feel so much more peace in my life. Equally important is NOT complaining – about circumstances, relationships, difficulties, change…for me this just goes hand in hand. When I want to complain, I try to be thankful – out loud. When I am thankful, it helps me stop complaining. And those “difficult” people God has put in my life, I am now know that they are part of God’s plan for me, for my growth. A friend in a bible study reminded me that I am that “difficult” person to others (getting the log out of my eye now, thank you Crystal!).
PLease comment and answer from the question above or name something difficult that God has brought into your life…can you see His hand in that situation?
Just a girl…just like you!
I am still here.. SOOO SOrry.. Eye stuff Britta! Yes it is super hard to keep comments to ourselves, I know! I am working so hard on this as I am taking another bible study with Beth Moore and she just spoke of this last week! I am so thankful for those in my life and thankful Britta for you! I am still on this road!! Talk soon!
I try not to complain about things that I know I can’t change..I pretty much live by the Serenity
Prayer…I know that when we wanted to leave Memphis and move to the Coast, we wanted to
live in another town, but things didn’t work out that way. We were SO disappointed, but looking
back, we realize that God had other plans for us. He is in control of all we do…
So glad you moved to the place you moved so we could meet – and meet up again! We are planning to call this week to plan a get together!
We are in the middle of buying a house and things have gone very sour at the end. This chapter was good timing. I have had to work at saying what I think ka is saying. God I know that you are at work in this and you know how this is going to work out. It has given me a sense of peace that if I do my do diligence that is all I have to do. How ever the house goes I will know God was in that process. I am almost ( not totally) excited to see how God is going to direct this.
I love your honesty!