Since this is my first blog, and my first blog entry, I am going to start out with a prayer of thanksgiving: Thank You Lord for helping me get started in spite of tech delays and the lack of tech expertise. Thank You Lord for all the people who have been praying for me. Thank You Lord for Monday Morning Moms where I have had some of the biggest spiritual growth in my life and where I got some good preparation for this new calling. Thank You Lord for the helpers who coached me and got me this far (the Cobb ladies and Shanika at the Apple help desk). And thank You Lord for the vision You gave me. Help me to be true to it and to Your Word. Amen!
So where do we begin? Well, first I must invite all of you to join the devotional. It is not simply a matter of, “if you build it they will come”. So I am in the process of sending out invitations (please feel free to invite anyone you think might enjoy or benefit from an online bible study/devotional). Once you decide to join you will need to purchase the book if you don’t already have it…Lord I Want to Know You by Kay Arthur. It is so wonderful! You will learn about the character of God and what His Name means and promises to us all. I have been working ahead on it and have been moved to some great personal introspection and I know you will be too!
Next we will begin our weekly study and devotional. I plan for us to cover two devotional entries per week so check in on Tuesdays and Fridays to share or to read about others. Sometimes life is a little overwhelming and we can get off track or get behind. Please don’t let this concern you. In each chapter there may be references to previous chapters, but not too many, so you can always go back later to do those. Just try to keep up with where the group is studying so you can benefit from the other comments. Try to plan a regular time to complete your work and a regular time to check in online. Try this and let me know how things are going because we can always change things if we need to…I learned a long time ago that new things need flexibility and constructive criticism to do well (don’t we all?).
Finally we must decide on a start date. Please chime in and let me know when you would like to begin. This is the middle of March and I was thinking about the beginning of May? In the meantime, I will be working on completing the other pages of the website and a few my personal devotional entries before we begin Kay Arthur’s. I am so grateful to have the opportunity to connect with other women while walking with the Lord. Thank you for joining me today and please add a comment. Have a blessed day!
Just a Girl…just like you!
I am so excited to start the book! I have been looking for a women's online group for a while now and my sister Guen told me about this website! It is such a blessing to get to intersect with other women of God!
Have you been able to keep up with the reading? Things have come to a bit of a stand still on the web design but God has promised me that this will become so much more than what it is right now…I hope you can stick with it till we see some harvest…right now there is a lot of seed planting going on!
So sorry girls! I moved my blog from my iWeb to Blogger (for lots of reasons) but I lost the comments! I sooo appreciate those who did chime in…Chrissy and Nicole and a new friend whom I have not met. I wish I could have carried those over…but I couldn't 🙁 BUT I am so thankful that this seems to be working that I think it was the choice I had to make.