Today is I am so excited to share with you something amazing. My 1st eBook is available on now. I am still pinching myself! I have been writing here about publishing a book for years, so it is still hard to believe that the day has finally arrived.
The message of this book is that God uses everything, everything, to bring about our holiness and His glory; the writing of this book is proof of that. God has used the messes in my life to teach me about His great love. In my writing, here and in the book, I get to share that with you.
Pain? Not wasted. Struggle? Purposeful. My mistakes? Used for my own good. Jesus brings life out of death, hope from despair. What a mighty God we serve!
“God planted the Gospel Story in our hearts. We want problems fixed. We look for the hero. We desire forgiveness and mended relationships. When we don’t experience this in movies, books, or real life, we tend to feel a lack of closure because it is deep in our spiritual DNA to crave reconciliation. Especially in real life, we don’t like loose ends. –Prodigal Confessions: 10 Principles that Lead Us Back to the Father.
Early readers of the book have requested a Bible Study companion, and I am currently working to complete that. I will offer it for sale here on the blog as a PDF download. So stay tuned!
All this week I am sharing here, on other blogs, and on social media about Prodigal Confessions: 10 Principles That Lead Us Back to the Father. This book is about our experiential learning of the Gospel Story.
Later this month we will move into this idea of experiential learning more deeply, as we begin our celebration of the season of Advent. This will be the start of a year-long blogging project of encountering the Gospel, by studying the traditional Church Calendar. I hope you will join me on this journey. 🙂
And let me know if you have bought the book! I would love to share your comments here. If you send them to me, I will post them on the Prodigal Confessions Launch page that I will make public next week. There are resources there that will help you share the message of God’s Prodigal Love with others.
Finally, as we enter the month of Thanksgiving, I am especially thankful for what this book has meant to me and for the relationships it represents:
- My mom taught me my love of the scriptures and my dad taught me to express my ideas through writing.
- My husband has endured my insecurities and encouraged my dreams by sending me to conferences, financing my website, and telling me, “This is the summer. Now write that book.”
- My children have done dishes, entertained themselves, and been faithful in their school work while they listened to me proofread my own words, out loud (bless their little hearts!).
- My friends Cati, Tracy, and Melissa have encouraged me to keep at it, when I’ve wondered why I was spending my *free* time writing.
- My friend Kim gave me the gift of a beautiful book cover, as a generous act of friendship.
- Thank you Martha, Susie, and Tracy’s summer Bible study girls.
- Thank you Kelly in TX who has cheered me on from the very beginning.
- Thank you Paula and Debi.
- Thank you blogging friends Carey, Kayse, Kat Lee, Melissa, Teri Lynne, Eryn, Emily, and Kathy for encouraging me at just the right times.
- And thank you Lord, for giving me this life and these relationships that helped make my dream a reality.
I know it is just an eBook…but whoop! I am so excited!!
AWW! I loved reading this post! How awesome 😀 An Author- Praise be to the Father, for giving you this story and these words!!!! Words Words.. It is your gift to share with others so tenderly.. of His desire for them.
Thank YOU for being brave, stepping out on a limb and committing to this project! The finished product is amazing and life changing.. I can’t wait to see what The Lord does thru your faithfulness!