Trust God in the Middle
Can you trust God in the Middle? In the place that might leave a sour taste in your mouth? Today we are going to talk about trusting God when we want to turn and run the other way. But first, I want to share someone with you!
Every time your name comes up in my prayers, I say, “Oh, thank you, God!” I keep hearing of the love and faith you have for the Master Jesus, which brims over to other believers. And I keep praying that this faith we hold in common keeps showing up in the good things we do, and that people recognize Christ in all of it. Friend, you have no idea how good your love makes me feel, doubly so when I see your hospitality to fellow believers (Philemon 4-7, MSG).
I met my dear friend, Kathy, in 2014 at Declare, a blogging conference in Dallas. She had come all the way from New Zealand! It was my first time at Declare and I didn’t know a soul. I met Kathy the first day and we were inseparable for the rest of the conference. And the next one. And the next one.
Kathy has became one of my closest friends.
I didn’t realize that God would use blogging to create so many heart connections that live offline. I am thankful that God has written Kathy into my story. We formed a productivity group that meets twice a month (that’s a fortnight in New Zealand!) and we spur each other on professionally and personally. I am always inspired when I chat with these women.
A Friend and a Blessing
This year has been a time of transition and change in my family life. Kathy has tirelessly cheered me on throughout all of it, because she is a tremendous encourager. She is bursting with faith, joy, and hope. More than that, her bubbly personality overflows with love for God and His people.
Kathy’s love for God’s people has led her to create a retreat, called Daughter’s of the King (DOK), for tween girls. She knows that adolescence is a hard time for girls, and she wants to plant biblical Truth in their hearts, early. At DOK, girls hear this message in many ways: you are beloved by the King of Kings.
I wish you could meet my Kathy Strong—she’s simply delightful! I’m grateful for her friendship and I appreciate her contribution to our Lenten Curation this year. You can hop over to the Meet Me in the Middle Project to read her post, by clicking here. She talking about trusting God, in the middle, when things are uncertain.
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