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I am thinking today that I have a lot to be thankful for in this life. Tonight, hubby went to a Continuing Education course (he’s a dentist) and I had some time alone…with the kids. I mean, is a homeschooling mom ever really alone? Anyway, they are big now and, though sometimes I miss their little selves (the ones who would goo and gaa, and had little dimples in their hands), I love having an 8 and a 10 year old. So anyway here goes:
I am thankful that my kids are big enough to play Battleship, while I clean up the kitchen (“It’s a direct hit!”). I am thankful that we had dishes to clean, and food to eat, along with clean water to bathe in, cook with, and drink – not everyone had that today. I am thankful for air conditioning – in March – yes we are in Arizona, and running the heater and A/C both this week.
I am thankful that I vacuumed and mopped tonight instead of watching “He’s Just Not That Into You” – because it is awesomer to walk in bare feet across a cool, clean floor and see vacuum marks in my carpets than it is to veg out all night…and because usually, at the end of a long day, I would totally watch the movie! I am thankful for the poetic license to make up new words like awesomer.
I am thankful that my hard-working hubby loves his work so much that he will do it all day, and then rush off to learn more about it, but only once a month.
I am thankful that I finished writing my presentation and making handouts for a workshop I am leading at the end of March. I have 2 weeks to finish my slides. That is something 20 year old Britta would never have done – that was when I was a terrible procrastinator, before I became a terrible perfectionist. Now I am just trying not to be terrible at anything, but that’s a work in progress!
I am thankful that my Momma is doing well. It is almost a year since she finished her chemo for a late stage ovarian cancer. I love that woman – she is the sun-shiniest, gospel-speakingest New Orleans Saints fan I know. And she has cute little sayings like, “that Lance Armstrong was crookeder than a dog’s hind leg.” She grew up in north Louisiana and, though she left it long ago, she still carries a little of it around with her.
I am thankful to live in a country where I can read my Bible, blog about it (most days, when I am not blogging about vacuuming), and go to church without fearing for my life. Not everyone can say that. I am most thankful that I have the LORD in my life – because without Him, none of these things could bring me pleasure.
I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart;
I will recount all of Your wonderful deeds.
I will be glad and exult in You;
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High (Psalm 9:1-2).
Tell me, friend, what are you grateful for today?
Britta ~ I am justAgirl…just like you!
P.S. BTW, I am so thankful to be leading a workshop, which is a great opportunity! Yay! I am likely to talk too much, over share, and generally wear myself out. Please pray for me…
Enjoyed this!
I look forward to saying “when I WAS a terrible procrastinator”. 🙂
So thankful for a sovereign God who works out every detail of our lives. Bringing our churches together is something only He could’ve done. So thankful He did. Looking forward to new Christian friendships.
I agree! We have so much to be thankful for!
Thanks for a beautiful post with a reminder of where our eyes need to be, on thankfulness for what we do have.
Today I am thankful that even though my brother died a few weeks ago, that it was a quick painless death. And I’m thankful I got a chance to talk to him a couple days prior. Most of all, I’m thankful he is with the Lord, with my other brother, my sister, my parents and with his little baby he lost so long ago.
WHat a moving story – and a great perspective. You are an inspiration!
I am thankful that God keeps our head up and our spirit high through all the hardships we are facing.
I am thankful we see the lessons behind everything, not the pain,
I am thankful my book is submitted and have some time to get in touch with the beatiful and inspiring Tribe Writes.
I am thankful to Jeff for the opportunity to be here.
I am thankful we are healthy.
Blessings and light!
I am thankful for my family. And that even though my husband had to go into work on the last day of Spring Break that at least he was able to take our older daughter with him. I’m also thankful for the peaceful morning I enjoyed with most of my younger crew sleeping in. 🙂
These are times to be thankful for! So many things in my life and our church’s life, I give thanks, but a few in particular stand out.
In light of Christian’s recent appendectomy, I am renewed in my thankfulness for our health and access to medical expertise. It seems The Lord brings these struggles often to us, but with them, through our various illnesses, I come away more and more thankful for the perseverance we learn in the process. Again, Christian is sick, with a virus this time (no it’s not related to his surgery) but we are on vacation near the beach and I continue to thank The Lord for the time with my family and our beautiful surroundings. He provides just what we need at just the right time.
I am so thankful for my church family. Seeing the support through prayer this past couple of weeks reminded me that we are so blessed with this community of faith that The Lord has placed in our lives. This foundation of faith, founded on His redeeming love through Jesus, has been made evident over and over again in my life–especially in the past couple of years. This strengthens me in weakness. This is the tool that God has placed in my life to sharpen my faith. I praise Him for it!
I am glad to have read your post. Usually I am going from one thing to the next frantically and would not have had the time to read your encouraging words!
Thanks Mel 🙂 So sorry to hear about Christian’s virus! We are praying for you all right now. You are absolutely right – in God’s economy nothing is wasted as long as we have teachable hearts and are willing to lean into Him when we don’t understand. Love your heart, friend!