So, when you have a big upcoming event, do you ever get overwhelmed just by the thought of it? Have you ever planned a dinner party and stood at the sink muttering, “What was I thinking???” Have you responded with an enthusiastic “Yes!” to a friend’s invitation or a request for help at church, but then felt dread over what was to come? Have you planned an amazing trip, but become paralyzed while packing your suitcase?
Sometimes we taste regret before we actually do anything…
I am going to the wonderful Declare Conference this week. The vibe at this meeting is accepting, loving, encouraging and open. Yet, conferences always make me introspective (and homesick). I am packing my suitcase tomorrow [Tuesday], prayers appreciated. 😉
So, when we feel the crush of anxiety weighing on us…it is best to remember that it’s all smoke and mirrors.
Which of you by being anxious
can add a single hour to his span of life?
I am thankful that we can trust the Lord. He is good and wise and powerful so:
“We can be patient when things go against us, thankful when things go well, and for the future we can have good confidence in our faithful God and Father that nothing in creation will separate us from his love. For all creatures are so completely in God’s hand that without his will they can neither move nor be moved.” —The Heidelberg Catechism, Answer 28.
I still wake up with dread some days (for no good reason) or I fear the future (even the “good” things)—these thoughts come without invitation—but they CAN be asked to leave. Turning to the Word is the remedy. Later this week, the scripture printable I promised when I wrote this post!
Do you ever feel anxious about new things? Old things? Serious things? Silly things?
“The Lord knows our frame [how weak we are],
He remembers that we are dust” (Psalm 103:14).
Britta, I pray you have an amazing weekend at Declare! I am so sad to miss it, but can’t wait to hear how God moves in the hearts of those who attend. And while God tells us not to be anxious, I don’t think you should feel ashamed that sometimes you worry anyway. If it wasn’t such a human response to life, He wouldn’t have addressed it! 🙂 I don’t get anxious nearly as often as I used to, but I also have to confess that my anxiety looks different than it used to so perhaps I’m worried more than I think I am. Thank God for His love and reassurances!!!
Thank you Mary!! I am reading your words as I sit in the airport, God’s perfect timing 🙂 I am feeling more anxious about leaving this time, yet everything at home is really good (maybe I don’t want to miss anything!). Thank you for your encouragement…kindness… so sweet 🙂